Cooking, Food & Drink, Personal, Recipes
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Why you should never trust (every) recipe

I’m psyched that a piece I wrote for Sunset magazine’s blog is now on the site! Titled “Why you can’t trust every recipe on the internet,” it’s a lighthearted look at a common problem — published recipes that may or may not work in a real kitchen — plus tips on what you can do about it.

Though online recipes are proliferating faster than you can say “gluten-free cupcakes,” the resources for testing those recipes are drying up. As the LA Times asked in a recent article: “Is recipe testing a vanishing art?

I’m afraid the answer is yes. Needless to say, this can be frustrating and costly for the home cook, so I hope the blog gives you some useful guidelines in your own recipe adventures.

And please leave a comment about recipe sites or publications that you particularly trust. I can say from experience that Delicious Living and Sunset are both excellent sources.


  1. Yes. I’ve also found that even when I’ve read a recipe through, sometimes things come up while I’m making it that I didn’t anticipate… always an adventure.

  2. So true! It’s not a problem for me because I already know how to cook pretty well (which includes being able to judge a recipe), but I can imagine that folks who aren’t skilled cooks could be flummoxed by many of the recipes they encounter on the internet.

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